Guess What? Do you know that Jesus Loves You?
…. YES YOU! No matter what mistakes you have made in your past, even if you have just sinned, Jesus Cares for YOU.
The Bible declares in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You are NOT alone, ALL of us have made mistakes and have fallen in life. Admittedly, when one engages in sin there is temporary satisfaction, yet the price for the temporary satisfaction is death.
Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You may be wondering, what is the “Gift” of God? Well…. I ‘m glad you asked. Over 2000 years ago, God sent his only son to pay the ultimate price for our sins by dying on Calvary’s cross. Romans 5:8 tells us, But God demonstrated his Love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
God GAVE up his only son so that we may have everlasting life. John 3:16 encourages us For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in HIM should not parish but have everlasting life.
Now that you know what the GIFT is, I bet you are thinking…… How can I get this gift?
Romans 10:9-10 informs us that if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, God raised HIM from the dead, you SHALL be saved. It is with your heart you believe it and with your mouth you confess it.
Getting to know Jesus is as simple as A. B. C.
A. = Accept - Accept the fact that you are a sinner in need of God’s Grace- Romans 3:23 Accept the fact that Jesus is Lord-Luke 2:11
B. = Believe - Believe in your heart that Jesus paid the price for your salvation by dying on the cross and that He rose again on the third day. Romans 10:9-10 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
C. = Confess - Confess with your mouth that Jesus died and rose again for your sins. Romans 10:9:10
Now, if you are ready to accept Jesus into your heart then pray this prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus: I acknowledge that I have sinned and fallen short of your glory. I recognize that you paid the price for me by dying on Calvary’s cross and then you rose again on the third day with all power in your hands. For that Lord I say thank you. I ask you now into my heart. Come inside my heart Lord and change me, allow me to live and walk after you. Make me brand new. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
My friend, if you prayed that prayer then CONGRATULATIONS you are saved. Now, it is especially important to get in a Bible believing, Bible practicing church. Connect with us below!
We love you and can't wait to see you soon!